The OCDSB strives to create welcoming, inclusive environments for all students, parents and caregivers. Our belief is that all students strive to do well. Therefore when faced with challenges, it is up to us, as adults in their lives, to start from a place of curiosity and compassion. Through this understanding, we can work alongside them to address any barriers that are getting in their way.
What are some reasons students miss school?
There are many reasons that students might miss school and struggle with attendance. Some of these could include:
- Medical issues or illnesses that require frequent doctor’s visits or treatments.
- Feeling unsafe or uncomfortable at school. This can be due to racism, bullying and other forms of oppression and discrimination.
- Stress related to learning, social issues and/or difficulty in relationships
- Difficulty adjusting to transitions or separating from their caregiver
- Symptoms of mental health concerns interfering with daily life
- Family needs at home (e.g., caring for a sick parent or babysitting a younger sibling)
- Inadequate access to transportation.
- Family life changing event or emergency
- Extended visits to home communities/countries
- Technology or substance over use
- Financial instability
- Sleep issues
What can the school do to support my child/teen to go to school?
The OCDSB has many resources to support students and their parents/caregivers. There are many different people who can offer these resources, such as:
- classroom teachers
- learning support teachers
- educational assistants
- principals and vice principals
- guidance counselors
- student success teachers
- school social workers
- school psychology staff
- identity specific workers
School and central staff can also help connect you with resources and community mental health services. These services are designed to be culturally relevant and responsive.
How can I help my child/youth go to school?
If your child/youth is having trouble getting to school, is missing an increasing number of days, or has missed a number of days in a row, we encourage you to please reach out to the school. We can work together to put a supportive plan in place.
You can find helpful tips in these resources:
- “A guide for Parents and Caregivers: Supporting your child with school attendance concerns” - This brochure from Parents Lifeline of Eastern Ontario (PLEO) is available in multiple languages.
- “School Refusal: Supporting kids who avoid school” - This article from Parents for Children’s Mental Health and Children’s Mental Health Ontario offers practical advice on how to support children and teens struggling to attend school.
Remember to celebrate success! It’s important to recognize when your child/youth is making progress with plans towards improved attendance.
More Information and Resources
- Laws About Student Attendance in Ontario
- School Refusal - article by Anxiety Canada.
- Attendance Works - an American non-profit organization dedicated to promoting equal opportunity to learn and the advancement of student success by reducing chronic absence.
- Best Practices for Parents and Schools Supporting Students with Mental Health Challenges - resource from Parents for Children’s Mental Health and Children’s Mental Health Ontario.