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September 27, 2024 - October 24: Army Reserve Co-op Virtual Information Session, Upcoming Administration of the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF), and more

Good Afternoon Students,

This week, I was pleased to welcome our new Student Trustees to their first regular Board meeting: Jeffrey Zhang, from Earl of March Secondary School; Sharanya Sivasathiyanathan, from John McCrae Secondary School; and Indigenous Student Trustee Ezio De Stefano, who is an Urban Inuk student attending John McCrae Secondary School. 

Student Trustees are elected by the student body and represent the voices of all students within the district. They serve on the Student Senate and bring the student perspective to Board meetings, the Presidents’ Council, and other meetings across the province. As students, your voice matters. We want to hear your feedback and ideas on ways to improve your experience at school. The Student Trustees are available to address your concerns or answer your questions. Learn more about the work of the Student Trustees and how to get in touch.

October 24: Army Reserve Co-op Virtual Information Session

Are you interested in pursuing a career in the Canadian Military? The National Capital Region Army Reserve Cooperative Education Program is an excellent opportunity to learn about career opportunities in the Armed Forces and Army Reserves. Join us on October 24th, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., for a virtual information session about this Co-op program. Register now for the information session

Upcoming Administration of the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF)

The Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) is an internationally recognized French proficiency test for persons whose first language is not French. It is offered to OCDSB students twice a year, in the fall and spring. If you are eligible for the DELF, you will receive information via your OCDSB email account on October 1st. The deadline for eligible students to register for the fall DELF administration is October 18th. Learn more about the DELF, important dates, and eligibility. For questions related to the DELF, speak with your French Teacher, school's DELF Site Coordinator, or contact delftesting@ocdsb.ca.

2023-2024 EQAO Results Released

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments are provincial tests designed to assess students’ literacy and numeracy skills at key points in students’ kindergarten to Grade 12 education. School and District EQAO results for the 2023-2024 school year are now available on the EQAO website.

Elementary Program Review

This spring, the OCDSB launched an Elementary Program Review to look at our programs (English with Core French, Middle French Immersion, Early French Immersion, Alternative, and Ottawa-Carleton Virtual), along with special education and English as a Second Language supports and services. We held public consultations with the OCDSB community, where we received valuable input from 4,294 respondents about current elementary programming that could improve program quality and accessibility for all students. In September, we released the public consultation report as a summary of the community’s input. 

Today, we released our new Contextual Report for the Elementary Program Review, which provides an in-depth look at the District data we gathered, relevant external research on inclusive education and bi/multilingual programming, along with the public consultation report. All of these will inform the elementary review and the development of proposed model(s). 

The original timelines indicated a proposed education model(s) would be shared with the Committee of the Whole and the broader community in Fall 2024. As the work progressed and through discussions with relevant internal and external stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education, the levels of complexity became more apparent in the context of a large change management process. To ensure there is adequate time to fully consider the guiding principles, key information sources, and evaluate the pedagogical and operational implications of any proposed model(s), the timeline for bringing forward specific recommendations will be deferred to the Winter/Spring of 2025. Learn more on Engage OCDSB.

Upcoming Starred Dates: Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, will begin at sundown on October 2nd and continue until October 4th. It marks the start of the year 5785 and the beginning of the Ten Days of Awe, which will conclude with Yom Kippur. This is an important time of celebration, introspection, and reflection for Jewish families. Shanah Tovah to all who are celebrating! 

Save the Date: November 6th - Post-Secondary Pathways and Career Exploration Day

Calling all OCDSB secondary students. November 6th is a great opportunity for you to explore post-secondary pathways and career possibilities. On this Post-Secondary Pathways and Career Exploration Day, Grade 9 students are invited to participate in Take Our Kids to Work day while students in grades 10-12 students are invited for Launch 2024, a one-day virtual pathways and career exploration conference. More details will be shared soon.


From the Boardroom:

Upcoming Board and Advisory Committee Meetings

October 8th, 7:00 p.m. - Committee of the Whole

October 9th, 7:00 p.m. - Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Agendas, locations, minutes, livestreams and recordings of meetings are available for public viewing using the Board and Advisory Committees' meeting calendar.

Calendars and Planning for Important Dates

Please consult the OCDSB’s Elementary and Secondary calendars for PA Days, holidays, exam dates, and more during the 2024-2025 school year. In addition, schools avoid scheduling activities like evaluations and field trips on certain religious/creed-based days of observance. Additional dates of significance can be found on the MultiFaith CalendarDates of Significance webpage, and on the Government of CanadaOntario Government, and United Nations websites.

Helpful Links

Thank You,

Pino Buffone
Director of Education