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Video Series and Virtual Q&A Sessions: Transition Planning for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

DNI Transition Planning Video Series and Virtual Q&A Sessions

The OCDSB’s Transition Team in Learning Support Services (LSS) is hosting weekly question-and-answer (Q&A) sessions for parents, caregivers and youth with intellectual disabilities to support students in navigating life after high school.

The LSS team has recorded a series of video workshops to help you learn about supports and opportunities available for youth with intellectual disabilities. 

Watch the videos below, then join our virtual group Q&A sessions if you have questions about these topics. 

Navigating the System

This video explores the Developmental Services System. It presents a timeline for transition planning, provides an overview of person-centered planning, and discusses how schools and families/caregivers can collaborate in this process.

Have questions about navigating the system? Join our Q&A session on Tuesday, January 14 from 6 to 7 p.m.

Community/Day Programs 

This video highlights how to find or create day programs for youth with an intellectual disability/autism. It outlines Ministry-funded, pay-for-service and community-based options and what to consider when selecting the best match.

Have questions about community or day programs? Join our Q&A session on Tuesday, January 28 from 6 to 7 p.m.

Post-Secondary Education and Employment

These videos explore post-secondary education and employment opportunities for youth with an intellectual disability. They provide an overview of the supports and accommodations available.

Have questions about the transition to post-secondary education and employment? Join our Q&A session on Tuesday, February 4 from 6 to 7 p.m.