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International Experience and Engagement

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This component requires you to commit to an international experience and engagement of at least 100 hours (locally or abroad) between Grades 9 and 12. This experience can occur as a one-time experience or through a series of experiences spread throughout your high school years, as indicated by the several options available:

Honours Option: If you obtain more than the minimum time commitments for the International Experience and Engagement, you may qualify for an Honours designation on your Certificate. Diversity of experience must be demonstrated. For example, you cannot complete all of your hours with one club or one single experience.

Option A: 200 hours (Honours - 300 hours)

A long-term international student exchange or study abroad program

Possibilities include: 

Educational exchange via OCDSB-approved exchange partnership. (OCDSB/ France, OCDSB / Japan, ISE Ontario, YES, Rotary.)

More details about exchanges can be found here.

Option B: 150 hours (Honours - 225 hours)

A series of short-term overseas experiences

Possibilities include:
International travel though school-approved trips. Family and/or community travel during official school holiday times that has a specific international learning focus (with prior approval from your school’s ICP Teacher Advisor). 

Option C: 100 hours (Honours - 150 hours)

Active engagement in local activities or organizations with an international focus

Possibilities include:

    • Participating in virtual tours or locally-organized in-person events
    • Undertaking a virtual self-study that focuses on documentaries, films, cuisine, or literature from cultures around the world
    • Participating in local community or non-governmental organizations that deal with international initiatives (WaterCan, Buy-A-Net, Right to Play Canada, etc.).
    • Active involvement in your school’s clubs with an international focus (such as a Multicultural Club, Model UN, Environmental Club, Global Citizen Club, Volunteer Club, etc.)
    • Mentoring an international newcomer to your school, including hosting an international student in your home. More details at Canada Homestay Network.

Option D: 150 hours (Honours - 225 hours)

A combination of Options A, B and/or C

Other opportunities will be considered with approval of the International Education Coordinator. 

For students on school-approved trips or exchanges, the maximum number of hours credited will be 8 hours per day.